To comply with the Department of Justice's ADA guidelines for archived web content, archived documents published before June 24, 2024 are listed below (if available).
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December 05, 2024
Power to the campgrounds will not be turned off this winter like in past years. This means that if you leave your main power supply plugged in you will be charged for the electricity used if anything is left on at your campsite. This usage will be reflected in your first electric bill of next season. If you have any questions or would like to have your campsite checked, please call our main office at 217-965-1566 anytime Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm.
December 05, 2024
Power to the campgrounds will not be turned off this winter like in past years. This means that if you leave your main power supply plugged in you will be charged for the electricity used if anything is left on at your campsite. This usage will be reflected in your first electric bill of next season. If you have any questions or would like to have your campsite checked, please call our main office at 217-965-1566 anytime Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm.